5 Ways Seniors Can Reduce Auto Insurance Premiums

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Senior citizens have a higher chance of getting into car accidents than younger individuals. As a result, insurance companies tend to charge elderly adults higher auto insurance premiums to protect themselves. If you are a senior and feel that you are spending too much money on auto insurance, you can take steps to lower your rates.

Here are a few different ways seniors can save money on auto insurance.

Inquire About Senior Discounts

Car insurance companies provide many types of discounts for their customers, including ones for senior drivers. However, you might not know about the discounts you qualify for if you do not ask. The next time you speak to your insurance agent, you should find out about the discounts you qualify for.

Tell Your Insurance Company How Many Miles You Drive

Many retired seniors do not drive that often. If you are one of them, you should let your insurance company know about it. They may offer you a low-mileage discount. After all, if you are not on the road that frequently, you are less likely to get into an accident. 

Sign Up for a Defensive Driving Course

There are various factors that make seniors riskier drivers, such as poor vision and decreased mobility. Insurance companies know this and charge them higher premiums because of it. However, if you can show your insurance company that you're still a good driver, they might lower your rates. Think about investing in a defensive driving course and showing your insurance company proof of completion. 

Use User-Based Insurance Technology

Another good way to prove to your insurance company that you are still a sharp driver is to invest in user-based insurance technology. These devices can keep track of your driving habits and then report back to your insurance company. 

Switch to a Higher Deductible

One of the simplest ways to lower your monthly auto insurance premiums is to choose a higher deductible. A deductible refers to the dollar amount you have to pay before your insurance policy starts paying for your claim. If you have a higher deductible, though, understand that you will have to pay more out-of-pocket fees.

As you can see, it is still possible to obtain affordable auto insurance as a senior. If you have more questions about saving money on your premiums, you should set up an appointment with an insurance agent near you as soon as possible. 
